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Fruit Infusions by Fruiteza

So, it's not tea...but it's like a tisane, only with big slices of fruit.

This is a really convenient way to do fruit infused water when you're on the go. Each single serving pack has 3-5 full sized slices of dehydrated fruits that you simply pop into your favorite water vessel! I love that I can put them in my purse or leave some at the office to grab whenever I need them.

I have found that to get the best flavor is to let them sit overnight in the refrigerator. I start with lukewarm water to help hydrate the fruits for 5-7 minutes. Then I top it off with cold water and put it in the fridge. I use my favorite 32 oz water bottle with two packs and I leave the fruit in the bottle until I'm done drinking it.

There are plenty of great flavor combinations to flavor your water, but since I mostly talk about tea, I can definitely add some tea talk to this. For your plain teas (black, white, green), grab a slice or two of fruit from one of these packs and let it steep with your tea for a little bit of fruity flavor. Or use it to enhance a fruit tea blend or tisane!

Grab a box and throw a few packs in your go-bag to use anywhere and everywhere!

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