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Glazed Lemon Loaf by Tazo

This is everything you want in a dessert tea.  And, Glazed Lemon Loaf is the perfect name for it...that's EXACTLY what it tastes like.  The aroma is both sweet and buttery, almost a buttered popcorn aroma when you first open it.  Who doesn't love butter?!?!

That first sip has you hooked; it's just a hint of lemony goodness with creamy sweet vanilla that is reminiscent of a fresh lemon pound cake.  This is one of those teas that is so good, you could devour a full box within a few days; but on the other hand, you want to drink slowly and enjoy for fear of running out.  It's a double edged sword. It's just that good!

This is a great choice if you're watching your weight (which I always am) and need a sweet treat.  You can literally have our cake and DRINK it too!  I highly recommend using a little bit of you favorite sweetener for this tea; I found that it really enhanced everything about it and made it truly taste like dessert. 

I steeped one bag in boiling water for 5 minutes, just as the package directed and it came out perfect. I used just a small amount of agave syrup to sweeten. The best part?  If caffeine keeps you up, you're in luck; this tea is caffeine free! Completely guilt free indulgence!

This tea is available in most grocery stores. Check out their website to find a store near you:

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